Amelio Livio Wines
Monferrato DOC Dolcetto

Of this important Piedmontese grape there is no news until the end of the eighteenth century.

Typically Piedmontese vine, whose name derives from "dosset", hillsides typical of the production areas.

It has a bunch of medium size, pyramidal, rather elongated; round, but not always equal in size, pruinose peel, bluish black, thin.

The must obtained from these grapes is left in contact with the skins for about 3 days, depending on the fermentation process.

Here it is undergoing abundant refills that it is poured into rain on the marc, to favor the extraction of color and scents contained in the skins and a careful and constant control of the fermentation temperature as excessive overheating would cause the loss of perfumes.

Then the wine is poured into the tub until spring and then bottled, all in respect of the traditions, but with the use of modern equipment to offer the consumer a wine that respects its typicalness and at the same time being hygienically safe.

From this moment on, the bottles undergo an aging period of 1 month after they reach a fair degree of ripening and are ready to be consumed.

This precious wine with intense ruby red color with purple reflections is obtained from the selection of grapes coming from a vineyard with good exposure to the sun.

Its floral aroma, with a round, full bodied flavor, makes it very good to accompany first and second courses.
