Amelio Livio Wines

Freisa d'Asti DOC

The Freisa, a typically Piedmontese grape, has a history that unfolds over a period of at least 500 years. The first documents date back to 1500, but the first specific description is found in the work "On the cultivation of grapevines" by Count Nuvolose published in Turin in 1798. This work focuses on Piedmontese viticulture at the end of the 18th century, where Freisa is listed among the first quality black grapes. This blue-black colored grape, cultivated throughout the Monferrato, has the characteristic of giving wine a pleasant composite scent, with notes of berries. It has medium-sized, elongated bunch, slightly wedged; medium berry, slightly oval. The must obtained from these grapes is vinified for about 4/5 days, depending on the fermentation process. . It is then frequently dropped as rain on the marc, to promote the extraction of color and scents contained in the skins. A careful and constant control of fermentation temperature is necessary as excessive overheating would cause loss of perfumes.

We then proceed to the grinding phase and then to the refinement that takes place in the tub, and completed in the bottle for at least another month It is all carried out in accordance with traditions, but using modern equipment in order to offer the consumer a wine that respects its typical characteristics and at the same time is hygienically safe. Its light, lively note makes it a young wine, not suitable for aging. This precious wine, ruby red, has a floral, fruity scent. Its soft, dry, a light bitter aftertaste makes it easy to accompany first and second courses.
